Choosing the seat of arbitration - Sports arbitration
L’Association des Juristes Franco-Britanniques / The Franco-British Lawyers Society (AJFB/FBLS) is organising an event kindly hosted by the Bar of Ireland as part of Dublin Dispute Resolution Week, on the 30th of September 2024 between 16.00 and 18.00.
The AJFB/FBLS has a long tradition of events on «which seat of arbitration to choose? » taking place, on a rotating basis, between England and Wales, France, Ireland, Northern-Ireland, Scotland and Switzerland.
The Speakers will address the fixed seats of arbitration for certain sports, such as Lausanne and London, ad hoc sports arbitrations fast track arbitrations, the use of expert evidence, Arbitrations on “Team” as opposed to “in person”, and the use of seats in smaller jurisdictions.
We are extremely honoured that Mr Justice David Barniville, President of the High Court in Dublin, has agreed to chair our panel of speakers coming from these five different legal systems.
Opening remarks
Robert Stevenson
Former President of the English and Welsh section of the AJFB/ FBLS, Arbitrator and Adjudicator Solicitor in England & Wales and Hong Kong.
Chair of the debate
Mr Justice David Barniville
President of the High Court in Dublin and head of the Arbitration “list”.
He will introduce the panellists from England & Wales, France, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Switzerland who will be speaking on a number of issues concerning sports arbitration covering a number of sports.
Raphaelle Favre (Switzerland)
David Sharpe SC (Northern Ireland)
Fergus Whyte (Scotland)
Louise Reilly (Ireland)
Sacha Willaume (France)
William Norris KC (England)
After a short presentation by each speaker on the above-mentioned topics, a debate between the speakers directed by the Chair will enable the speakers to interact on all these issues.
Concluding remarks
Aoife Farrelly BL
Chair of the Sports Bar Association
Mr Justice David Barniville
The event is followed at 18.30 by the official reception for the opening of Dublin International Dispute Resolution Week, if you are attending this event and wish to go to the reception, it is necessary to register and pay a fee, please enquire when registering using the web site address given below.
This seminar is free of charge Registration to attend in person or on line should be made via the web site given below
Those in Dublin may wish to join in with Dublin International Dispute Week details on
This seminar will also be accessible online.
Program subject to change – Speakers may elect to speak in French or English.
Additional information : [email protected]
registration : Personal Information - “Which Seat to Choose?” Sports Arbitration in an Olympic Year (