Dr. Ariane de Guillenchmidt Guignot currently rules the Law Firm she founded (www.avocat-agg.fr). She works on Family law cases, both French and International, and on files involving patrimony and privacy law. She also deals with cases in criminal law and litigation. Ariane is trained in collaborative law and fluent in English.
Ariane has also been teaching French civil law at University for 22 years. She currently teaches “Contract Drafting and Negotiation” and “Judiciary contracts” at the University of Paris Saclay. She trains students in Master 2 (Bac + 5 years). She also publishes columns and articles in legal reviews on Family and patrimony law, both in French and English. She writes an annual column on the decisions rendered by courts and tribunals in France and in Europe on International Family law in the Revue de droit de la famille (LexisNexis ed.).
At last, Ariane was a vice-president of the French section of the Franco-British Law Society (L'Association | Association des Juristes Franco-Britanniques / Franco-British Lawyers Society (ajfb-fbls.org) and the former vice-president of the French Doctors in Law Association (Association De Promotion Du Doctorat | Afdd).
Professional History
Professional Qualifications
Dr. Ariane de Guillenchmidt Guignot currently rules the Law Firm she founded (www.avocat-agg.fr). She works on Family law cases, both French and International, and on files involving patrimony and privacy law. She also deals with cases in criminal law and litigation. Ariane is trained in collaborative law and fluent in English.
Ariane has also been teaching French civil law at University for 22 years. She currently teaches “Contract Drafting and Negotiation” and “Judiciary contracts” at the University of Paris Saclay. She trains students in Master 2 (Bac + 5 years). She also publishes columns and articles in legal reviews on Family and patrimony law, both in French and English. She writes an annual column on the decisions rendered by courts and tribunals in France and in Europe on International Family law in the Revue de droit de la famille (LexisNexis ed.).